About us

YesWeCare.nz is a new health funding coalition. We are an alliance of community groups, service-users/patients and their families, and people working in health.

Our vision
Everyone gets the care they need, when they need. People working in health are valued, safe and paid enough to thrive.

Our mission
To unite patients, their families, communities and people working in health to take action to build a patient-focused, safe, locally delivered and fully-funded public health system.

Our goal
To make health and mental health funding a key election issue.
To increase health funding, restore health underfunding, and ensure funding covers annual costs and need.
To be a catalyst for a long-term health funding movement.
Our objectives
To tell and support others to tell personal stories in the media through to the 2017 election.
To develop political pledges and promote which parties support them by August 2017.
To encourage the public to vote for parties who support our health pledges in the 2017 election.
Theory of change
People will vote for health if we show the public how underfunding is affecting our community through personal stories the public can relate to.

Individuals can join YesWeCare.nz at yeswecare.nz/join.

Non-party and non-profit organisations can join the coalition provided they support our vision, mission, goals, objectives and the activities of the organisation. Email [email protected] to join.

Supporting organisations
Maternal Care Acton Group
Parents of Children With Additional Needs (POCAN)
United Community Action Network Aotearoa NZ
And the following organisations: